the glass theory

Water Theory

Our body is like a glass of water and the water is everything we put in it, good and bad. Our glass can only hold so much until one day, it’s just too much… it starts to overflow if you can’t empty it fast enough. It can’t take one more drop and that is when we get sick, really sick!

Several years ago, my glass got to full and, even though I was doing everything right, my body could not get rid of the bad stuff fast enough. I crashed and burned. My body literally could not take one more thing and I became highly allergic to almost everything I ate and came in contact with. I want to share what I have learned and prevent this for others. Keep your glass low and you will enjoy a healthy life!

How full is your glass? How quickly can you empty your glass?

Click here to Learn More about working 1:1 to decrease your toxic burden.


Keeping Your Glass Low

We have the natural ability to detox all that is thrown our way; however, modern day living and diet has us exposed to so many things that we just can’t possibly keep up. When your body's working overtime trying to process all of this, it gets tired of working and tired of fighting. That’s when you start to see problems, both big and small.

In order to feel better, you must start by making lifestyle changes that are supportive of a clean life. Here on the Clean Life Real World website, these changes are broken down into four categories that I call the Pillars of Clean Living.

Four Pillars of clean living

  • Clean Food & Water

  • Clean Personal & Home Products

  • Clean Mindset

  • Clean Environment